Base64 image encoder helps to convert images to base64 string as well as to data URLs. There are bunch of use cases in which the base64 encoded images will become handy. Sometimes it is best to convert small or very small images to base64 encodes URLs to avoid number of connections to server as these strings will be served along with the html. Yes, it will increase the html rendering size but it is better than loading images separately. 

How to use Image to Base64

It is allowed to take one image at a time to convert to Base64 encoded string. There is no size limit for this tool, but it all depends on the computer you are converting the image to base64. This tool also supports drag and drop image to convert to base64 encoded string. So just needed to select or drag and drop an image to create the string and most importantly this is a client side tool so the images never leave your computer and makes sure the best performance for small images.